About Cirve

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Connecting the Iberian Peninsula with the other countries of the European Union is the mission of the CIRVE Project, whose acronym stands for “Iberian Corridors of Rapid Recharging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles”. Thus, the project plans to locate 25 new rapid recharge points in Spain and adapt another 15 points that are already in operation in certain strategic locations of the Iberian corridors.

The project is jointly managed by IBIL (project leader), EDP, ENDESA, GIC and IBERDROLA, together with the AEDIVE Association and two other international partners: RENAULT and the Center for Excellence and Innovation of Portugal, CEIIA. In addition, it has the support of the Spanish Ministries of Promotion and of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. The plan is co-funded through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 2015 call.

AEDIVE is the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of the Electric Vehicle, a Grouping of Innovative Companies that brings together the entire value chain of the electric vehicle whose purposes are the management, representation, defense and coordination of the common interests of its members, and is in charge of the CIRVE project of Activity 9, dedicated to the activities of Communication and Dissemination of the project.

July 2016 – December 2020

Estimated total cost of the action:                        €3,523,232

Maximum EU contribution:                                       €1,761,616

Percentage of EU support:                                        50%

See below the milestones of the CIRVE Proyect that will be take place along these three years.